Monday, May 30, 2011


On a grey morning a few days ago I saw this fellow fishing in Bennett Creek. Ospreys are fascinating birds; built exceedingly well for their purpose.
- They are the only raptors that dive head and feet first into the water after their prey.
- They have unique talon features, allowing them to not only grip slippery fish but also to turn them so they can fly aerodynamically with their meal in hand.
- Their eyes are huge, letting them see fish swimming beneath the surface of the water below.

There was an article in last week's Jackson Hole Guide talking about the effort to tag three osprey in Grand Teton Park with radio transmitters last summer. Of the trio the youngest went to Texas for the winter and is still there. The second bird wintered in Mexico and is already back in the Park. The third defied all common sense, current knowledge and logic and went to Cuba for the winter. He has now returned to his summer home on the Snake River!

Look at those eyes!

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