Friday, May 20, 2011

Epic Battle

 Today's post was going to be about meadowlarks but the morning battle between eagle and raven was so intense that I just had to share a few of the photos!

It started off with the typical back and forth. Goldie was on one of his usual perches and the raven was signalling his disapproval.
 Then the eagle dove for a rabbit - missed - and ended up a little closer to the raven's nest. This seemed to be too much for papa raven who began bombarding the eagle without mercy.
Before long papa was joined by mama raven who took her turns dive bombing the big guy. She didn't stay long before returning to the nest.

For a while it looked like papa raven may have made a mistake as the eagle became less and less tolerant of the harassment and more aggressive about fighting back.
In the end it seemed they may have called a truce for one more day!

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