Friday, July 6, 2012

Heart Attack

I have not posted a snake photo for a while but this guy gave me such an adrenaline rush that I just had to take his portrait.

I was walking from my sewing room in the garage over to the house yesterday afternoon with my head down, reading a pattern as I walked. As I approached the doorway of the house I heard the unmistakable, heart stopping sound of a rattle snake under my feet. I am pretty sure I screamed. I know I jumped sideways. Shame on me for not being more aware of my surroundings but I was not expecting to find a rattler - especially one that big and healthy - trying to get in my front door!

He was not happy to see me and made that fact very clear. I was just glad he announced himself or I would have stepped right on top of him - a bad move for both of us.
 He quickly positioned himself in the inside corner of the porch until Ken was able to arrive with the snake grabber and transport him away. Ken then told me he had been dozing in a chair on the porch for the previous half hour. The snake was probably right under his seat while he slept!
Perhaps he was looking for this little fellow. This baby cottontail was just a few yards away in the hay corral.

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