Monday, July 18, 2011

Morning Hike

 For the last five days I have been tied up with Quilt Wyoming, the annual convention of the Wyoming State Quilt Guild. It is always a fun event and a great chance to catch up with friends that live in other parts of the state. The convention travels around five designated regions and this was the year for Northwest Wyoming to be the host. That meant that we all had lots of work to do and now we get to enjoy the next four years as other regions are in charge.
My one disappointment from the event was that my new little Nikon camera let me down. I took dozens of shots - or so I thought - but found an empty card when I got home last night!

One of my favorite quilters, Vikki Pignatelli, came from Ohio to teach at the conference and she and husband Denny then came to stay with us for a few days before traveling on to another teaching engagement later this week. This morning we went on a short llama trek to look at the scenery. Denny was leading Hobbitt - above - who decided he needed to stop and eat some wild onion. Who knew a llama could have onion breath?
 On the way up to the lookout.
Ken, Pancho, Rusty, Vikki, Capolla, Denny and Hobbitt pose for a photo.

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