Friday, June 24, 2011


We looked out the window this morning and saw the ravens hopping around on the ground. For a minute we wondered what was going on and then it dawned on us that there were three birds in the group. The baby has fledged!
I could not get a family portrait but mama and papa are still both on the ground in the area encouraging junior to spread his wings.

 Actually, spreading his wings does not seem to be a problem. Getting off the ground, on the other hand, is proving to be a scarier concept. He keeps running to the top of the sandstone rock, flapping like crazy and running back down again. I am sure it is only a matter of time before he has the flight thing mastered.
 In the third photo you can see a closer shot of the youngster. Like all baby birds he has a beak that seems too big for his growing body.

I am including a shot of Heart Mountain taken last night from Cody. It looks backwards to me since I am used to looking south at the big rock and this is the view looking north.

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