Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Winter Beauty

I love that I live in a place where I can walk out the door for an afternoon stroll and come back renewed by a sense of awe at the beauty that surrounds me. Tower Rock brings a feeling of joy every time I look at it - which is many times a day. There is rarely a morning when one or both of our resident Golden Eagles are not sitting on the top watching over their territory in search of a meal. At some point the Common Raven pair comes along and harasses the bigger birds until they give up and retreat to a further ridge but we continue to see them throughout the day and the next morning they are back in place again.

The tracks that are visible at the base of Tower belong to both bobcat and coyote. Somehow they manage to avoid each other most days although occasionally their paths will cross and then the bobcat usually has the upper hand (paw?) despite his smaller size and being out numbered.

Heart Mountain is about 20 miles away but its form dominates the horizon in a way that pleases my sense of balance.

This is home.

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