Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wyoming Winter Birds

Two final exams down and one to go before Christmas break!

Here are two more photos of birds that winter in Wyoming that I used for my final presentation in Beginning Digital.

To the left is a black-capped chickadee. They are so delicate and I loved the way this guy spread his tail, reflecting the shape of the bent branch above.

My prof was not happy with the fact that you can't distinguish the bird's eye but the truth is they are so black that I don't think even Ansel Adams could make them stand out from the "black cap".

This second photo shows three redpolls right outside my door. This one almost feels like cheating since I was out feeding llamas when they all showed up. I ran back in and grabbed the camera and took a few shots with this being my favorite of the bunch. Very little effort was expended! This photo has turned in to my Christmas card for 2011. 

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