Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Nest

A month or more ago I posted a story about the resident ravens and our efforts to improve their nesting situation. Our hope was to prevent another tragedy like the one last year when an almost full grown youngster fell out of the nest and eventually died because of it. In February I belayed Ken off the top of Vertebrae Rock so he could add a "bumper" to the old nest ledge in the form of a large juniper branch. We weren't sure how the ravens would react to the addition.

Well, now they have spoken. In this image taken this morning you can see the old nest ledge with the branch to the front about halfway down the rock below the raven on the right. Off to the left about 15' and slightly lower is the brand new nest just completed in time for this year's brood. I am not sure whether the ravens thought the change was some sort of trap or if they just decided they like the new spot better.

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