Tuesday, November 8, 2011

White Tail

One of the final assignments for my beginning photography class, due in mid-December, is to capture 6 images of birds that winter in Wyoming. (We got to choose our own topics.) This weekend I spent a little time walking through the brush beside a nearby creek searching for unsuspecting feathered friends to shoot. While there I surprised these two beauties. We rarely see white tail deer on our place as they prefer riparian areas. Mule deer are much more common to us and the two species seem to keep their distance. 

People who do not have a lot of deer nearby will often ask how to tell a white tail and a mulie apart. There are quite a few differences but the most obvious one is the feature that gives this species its name.

The little spike didn't wait around for his companion - he threw up his warning flag and took off!

1 comment:

  1. There are multitudes of white deer around here. I love seeing them, beautiful creatures that they are. I don't care if they do eat everything in the garden.
