On Friday I hauled Ken off to the Beartooths (it didn't take much persuading!) in a quest to capture more bird photos as well as to set the scene for another photo assignment, a self portrait.
A lucky situation was that the road between Pilot Creek and Cooke City was still open - a rare event for this time of year. The road is not plowed in the winter, which comes early at that elevation, so it is often impassable by the end of October. Not this year! We decided to spend Friday night in Cooke City and make one last foray into Yellowstone Park from the NE entrance this season.
As it was, it snowed heavily Friday night and so we were lucky to get back through on Saturday but I'm still glad we did it.
The beautiful fox above was spotted just outside the Park entrance. I got a couple shots - most pretty blurry - before he hightailed it into the woods.
On the Beartooth hike on Friday we not only managed to find lots of birds but also found ourselves sharing the trail with a few other creatures. These grizzly tracks were very fresh - obviously made that morning - so he was close by.
The other animals we thrilled in watching from a safe distance away were the mountain goats. We saw two separate groups; one a twosome and the other with four in the herd. I will post those shots another day.